Monday, October 29, 2007

This is my Self-Introduction. It is a short bit about me. It includes my name, birthday, and a few of my hobbies (I play drums and watch anime.)

こにちわ。Jeffrey Sinckler-三です。わたしわだいがくせです。あめりかじんです。たんじょびわにがつじゅごにちにです。わたしわたいこおします。わたしわあにめおみます。わたしわよくなるとおAir Gearとみます。


Sheila said...


Domo arigato. Wensite Newgrounds totoemo ii desu. Watashii wa hiragana benkyo o shimasu. Gamu wa tanoshii desu. Shitsureishimasu.

Emi S. said...

Hi Jeff this is Emi from class,
nani wa anime no sukina desu ka?

アリエラ said...


By the way, particles can look a little different on paper than the way they sound. For instance the particle "wa" is actually not written わ but rather は (...yes..."ha"... don't ask me). Also, "o" is not really お, but を ("wo"), which isn't used in any words anymore... it only exists as the "wo" particle so it actually makes Japanese easier to read. I hope that helps a bit. It helped me a lot when someone explained it to me.